Connecting Deeper with Your Loved Ones.

Communication Essentials is for anyone who wants to speak with more clarity, confidence, and compassion in their relationships. You can begin feeling more connected to the people you love by CHANGING the way you speak to them. This course has all the tools you need to start speaking with more calmness and awareness in just 30 days.



Let's be real...
Speaking About Your Feelings Isn't Easy 

You speak before you think, regretting it later.

Reacting emotionally is a common experience people have when their mindful communication skills are underdeveloped. It's not your fault, it's a skill that often isn't taught explicitly in school or the workplace. We often inherit our communication patterns from our family and caretakers.

Saying the wrong thing can lead to hurt feelings.

You often find that what you meant to say isn't what others heard. This misunderstanding leads to confusion, conflicts, and often put a strain on your relationships.

You don't know where to start the conversation.

When you are unable to articulate your thoughts and feelings clearly, it can lead to a frustrating interaction. They don't understand what you mean and you begin feeling defeated...wondering why you even bothered to bring it up in the first place.

You struggle to listen because you get defensive.

When you are feeling defensive you focus on formulating responses in your head instead of truly listening. Then you end up missing what the other person was saying, which makes the conversation go around in circles. 

The Problem with Most 
Communication Courses

Surface Level Techniques

Many courses focus solely on external communication techniques without delving into the underlying psychological factors. This approach often leads to temporary fixes rather than lasting change.

No Relationship Building

Centered on using communication strategies to change the other person's response or only on the transactional aspects of communication rather than on building deeper, more meaningful relationships. 

Lack of Self-Reflection

Without the integration of self-awareness, you aren't able to identify your unhealthy patterns. You need to know what needs changing in order to change it. Knowing these patterns are crucial for mindful communication.


Take a Sneak Peak Inside

Below you can watch a snippet of my teaching style and the types of things we will cover inside this mini course. If the topics and teaching style resonates with you, great! If not, no problem. I hope you find a teacher who better fits your learning style!



What People Are Saying


Here's what you'll learn

By the End of the Course
You Will Be Able to: 


Speak with more clarity, confidence, and compassion.


Navigate the barriers 
that keep us feeling disconnected.


Feeling more calm when choosing your words to express yourself.


Notice the things your loved ones are not saying when they speak.


Become a better listener for the people you love, making them feel seen and safe.


Share your thoughts
and  feelings without blaming others.

mini course | self paced

Communication Essentials

Become a mindful communicator through the Communication Essentials course. This mini course offers a practical approach to overcoming common communication mistakes. Each module you'll learn more about navigating the nuances of interpersonal communication with confidence and clarity.

Evidence Based

The tools and strategies in this course are grounded in social science, interpersonal communication, and mindfulness research.

Direct Application

You'll be given activities at the end of each module to give you opportunities to practice your new communication skills.

Lifetime Access

This is a course you will be able to revisit again and again. No memberships, no renewal fees. It's yours to keep!

Begins January 17, 2024

Limited Time Only!

Bonus #1: Introduction to Mindfulness

Start Building Your Self-Awareness

Part of becoming a more mindful communicator begins with developing more self-awareness. You can use these meditations to help you learn pivotal techniques like practicing presence, observing, nonjudgment, and more! And if you're thinking "I don't like meditation" or "I'm not good at it." I get it, I used to say the same exact things. I designed these for people who struggled the same way I did. You'll find little lessons attached to the meditations so you can have tangible ways to apply it to your life. 

Bonus #2: Understanding Your Ego


This workshop recording will help you identify when you are in your ego vs when you are in your "higher mind." Heightened emotions can make it difficult to detect, but this workshop will give you strategies to help learn more about your ego and how it shows up in your life.

Client Transformations

Amrita transformed her mindset:

Although I was hesitant, I am so glad I chose the 1:1 coaching option with Melanie.  As a mother, I often have to put the needs of others first. It can feel like you are just trying to survive the day. I found myself being irritable as a wife and a mother and I didn't want to this to become who I am. During our coaching, Melanie asked me questions that cracked me wide open. She helped me understand my patterns and how I can change things. This course and the coaching felt like therapy (something I wasn't expecting). My mindset is completely different now.

Melanie was able to shine a light on things in a positive way that I had never thought of before. After telling her my story, she repeated it back to me in a completely different way. She called it a "reframe" and invited me to change the way I was viewing my story. I now find myself thinking before I speak, have more of a pause before I respond. I'm not perfect, but things are better. I was really nervous to do the 1:1 session, but her energy was friendly and easygoing. I can confidently recommend her to everyone I know. If you show up and do the work, she will support you every step of the way.

Tong found ways to connect with her family:

I have been working on myself for quite sometime now and know what needs healing. Initially, I doubted how much I was going to get out the coaching since we barely knew each other. To my surprise, I felt comfortable right away and Melanie was able to point out patterns I did not see before. I used to have this habit of putting on a persona of "always being okay." She helped me deconstruct this simple phrase and how it was keeping me from experiencing deeper connections with my family. 
Melanie was able to give simple things to work on to help change this. I now have the words to express my needs so I don't have to keep them inside.

I would recommend Melanie to my family and friends because she has a special skill of connecting with people. Although the coaching made me feel vulnerable, she always made me feel safe. And that safe space has allowed me to heal. When we struggle, we’re too close to see it clearly. Having Melanie as a coach helped me see my situation from another angle.

Here's what you'll learn

Everything You Need to
Communicate with Clarity


The Communication Process

In this section, you will learn the fundamentals of communication, introducing you to its core elements and models of interpersonal interaction.


Overcoming Barriers to Understanding

Knowing the barriers to connection is half the battle. We will discuss how things like culture and trauma impact the way we communicate with others. 


Power of Language

Becoming aware of how your word choice impacts your delivery is crucial. We will discuss methods to choosing your words more mindfully.


Nonverbal Communication Impacts

Use mindfulness to interpret hidden messages in nonverbal communication. We will also discuss aligning your nonverbal and verbal communication for more clarity.


Listening Styles & Responses

Understanding when different listening styles are appropriate can enhance connection. Recognizing the needs of others can help you respond more mindfully.


Expressing Without Projecting

Learn how to express your thoughts and emotions without projecting onto the other person. Taking accountability while also keeping the door open for connection.

How does this sound?

After this course you will...

  • Know how to stay CALM and THINK before you speak
  • Express your EMOTIONS with more confidence 
  • Ask for what you NEED in a way that is clear
  • REPROGRAM old beliefs about communication that are keeping you stuck in your life 
  • Create a deeper trust in your relationships (even the one with yourself)
  • Help you to make better decisions with your new ability to see things from multiple perspectives 
  • Not take people's poor communication skills personally
  • Be able to LISTEN with patience and compassion
  • Have the confidence to move about the world as your authentic self 
  • Enjoy DEEPER CONNECTIONS with the people you love


The missing piece to healthier, deeper relationships.

From my experience, I think it is safe to assume you have not had any formal training on how to communicate mindfully. Most people learn how to communicate based on what their caregivers told them and showed them in their household. You then unconsciously carry these ideas and patterns into your adult relationships. The most common challenges I hear about interpersonal communication are:

  • Feeling like people misunderstand what you are really trying to say
  • Having the words come out "wrong" and regret trying to explain yourself in the first place
  • Thinking people are born "good" communicators and you're not one of them
  • Worried about doing more damage if I speak up, easier to say nothing

I understand, I used to feel the same way about communicating in relationships. My communications swung between anxiously passive and aggressive dictator. There was no middle ground for me.

It wasn't until I learned how to...

integrate mindfulness into the way I was speaking in my relationships. After some practice, I began to have more meaningful connections in my life. Humans are rather predictable (including you and I), we are all generally looking for the same things:

  • To be seen, validated
  • To be appreciated, valued
  • To be accepted, loved
  • To feel safe, secure

You cannot have these things if you are unable to communicate clearly and confidently in your relationships. Whether it be with your partner, your kids, your friends, your coworkers...many of the core issues are the same.

I hope you'll take the time to invest in yourself. Mastering these Communication Essentials is the gateway to more meaningful relationships and connections in your life. After all, your relationships are limited by your ability to communicate your thoughts and emotions.

something to consider

How Do I Know if the Course is For Me?

This is for you if:

  • You want to stop letting your emotions dictate the way you communicate.
  • You want to speak with more clarity and confidence at work and at home.
  • You want to increase the depth of your relationships with the people you love
  • You are ready to change the way you are showing up in your relationships because you want more authenticity.
  • You are ready to not only learn the techniques, but practice them too!

This is NOT for you if:

  • You are not ready to take accountability for your emotions, thoughts, and actions.
  • You are not ready to practice the vulnerability needed to create authentic connections.
  • You are not ready to do the work it will take to reprogram your mind to communicate more mindfully.



Course Syllabus

Course Overview

module 01

The Communication Process

In this section, you will learn the fundamentals of communication, introducing you to its core elements and models of interpersonal interaction.


Overcoming Barriers to Understanding

Knowing the barriers to connection is half the battle. We will discuss how things like culture and trauma impact the way we communicate with others. 


Power of Language

Becoming aware of how your word choice impacts your delivery is crucial. There is tons of power behind our words. We will discuss methods to choosing your words more mindfully and noticing the word choice of others as well.


Nonverbal Communication Impacts

Use mindfulness to interpret hidden messages in nonverbal communication. We will also discuss aligning your nonverbal and verbal communication for more clarity.


Listening Styles
& Responses

Understanding when different listening styles are appropriate can enhance connection. Recognizing the needs of others can help you respond more mindfully.


Expressing Without Projecting

Learn how to express your thoughts and emotions without projecting onto the other person. Taking accountability while also keeping the door open for connection.


Melanie Whitney

Melanie Whitney has been a Communication Studies Professor for over a decade, teaching students how to mindfully communicate in their relationships. In 2018, she started the Institute For Empowerment, creating training and coaching programs for mindful living and leadership. Melanie’s work has taken her work around the world – speaking on stages for TEDx, LinkedIn, and the United States military. Her mission is to teach people how to integrate more mindfulness into their communication and mindset so they can enjoy healthier relationships.

Unique Experience

  • Interpersonal Communication Professor
  • Trauma Informed Based Teachings
  • Mindful Meditation Teacher

ENROLL NOW before these offers expire

Ready to Change the Way You Speak?

Communication Essentials



  • Self-Paced Course
  • 15+ Video Lessons
  • PDF Summaries
  • Workbook activities to practice
  • Lifetime Access
  • BONUS: Meditation Bundle ($50)
  • BONUS: Ego in Communication Workshop ($50)



5 Weeks | Begins January 17

  • Communication Essentials Course
  • 15+ Video Lessons
  • PDF Summaries
  • Workbook activities to practice
  • Lifetime Access
  • BONUS #1: LIVE Kickoff coaching call with Melanie to create your goals for the course ($100)
  • BONUS #2: LIVE Coaching call with Melanie to celebrate your wins and wrap up the course ($100)
  • BONUS #3: Mindful Meditation Bundle ($50)
  • BONUS #4: Ego in Communication Workshop ($50)

Frequently Asked Questions